Manage Teams

Create Teams

  • Step 1: Navigate to Teams Management in the Setup section.
  • Step 2: Click the Teams tab.

  • Step 3: Click Create New Team.
  • Step 4: Name your team and choose the parent team (optional), and click Create.

Edit team name/ details

  • Step 1: Click the settings button corresponding to the specific team you want to edit.
  • Step 2: Once the Update Team Information modal appears, you can change the name of the team, and click Update.



To delete the team, click the red bin button.

Manage Team Members

  • Step 1: Click the Manage Engineers button corresponding to the team you want to manage.
  • Step 2: Select the engineers you want to add to the team by clicking on the In Team toggle. You can also filter engineer profiles by name or email

Manage User Access

  • Step 1: Click the Manage User Access button corresponding to the team you want to manage.
  • Step 2: Toggle on the users you want to have access to this team's stats.

Create Parent Teams

  • Step 1: Select the team you want to create a parent team for.
  • Step 2: Click Set Parent Team for Selected.
  • Step 3: Select the Parent Team from the dropdown, and click Update.

Hierarchy View

  • Step 1: Click the Show General Structure of Teams button
  • Step 2: Once the hierarchy view opens, you can drag and drop teams according to hierarchy.
  • Step 3: Teams that have been moved will appear in a drop-down list from the new parent team.