Active Days

The number of days a contributor was active (code committed, PR activity)

How to use it?

  • Track Activity: Ensures consistent engagement and steady development progress across the team.
    Identify Burnout Risks: Highlights potential burnout or underuse by analyzing trends in active days, enabling proactive workload adjustments.
  • Set Performance Benchmarks: Helps standardize performance metrics and goals, fostering clear and fair expectations.

Strategic Use of Active Days

  • Manage Workloads: Regular analysis of Active Days helps balance team workloads, preventing overwhelm and ensuring productivity.
  • Address Productivity Issues: Decreases in Active Days can indicate engagement issues, necessitating check-ins to provide support or adjust responsibilities.
  • Quality Over Quantity: High activity with frequent Pull Request rejections suggests a need for skill enhancement or mentorship, emphasizing quality of contributions.

Considerations for Implementation

  • Complementary Metric: Active Days should complement other productivity and quality metrics, not serve as the sole indicator of performance.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Implement with an awareness of team culture to avoid perceptions of surveillance.
  • Feedback and Adjustment: Regularly review and refine the use of Active Days based on team feedback and project evolution.