Resource Allocation

Get a better understanding of how well engineering resources are allocated, visualize financial costs, and have more control over the progress of key initiatives.


This is based on issue tracking data and salary data. The standard salary set in Waydev is $150,000. You can change this in the Settings, in the Tickets section.


First, please select the ticket projects and time frame you want to look into.

Here, you will also see the following:

  1. Selected projects that have work done in the selected time frame (eg. even if you selected five projects, it will show you here the number of projects that have data in the selected period of time.
  2. The number of contributors that worked on the specific projects.
  3. FTEs (FTE stands for full-time equivalent, which is the ratio of a contributor’s scheduled hours to the employer's hours for a full-time workweek.)
  4. The estimated cost of completed work, calculated using Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs) and contributor salaries.

Allocation by Ticket Types

A donut chart showing you the allocation by the ticket types you have in your Issue Tracking System (no need for extra configuration).

By hovering over any section of this chart, you will see the exact number of tickets done for that type.

Allocation by Ticket Labels

A donut chart showing the allocation in the selected timeframe by ticket labels you have in your Issue Tracking System (no need for extra configuration).

By hovering over any section of this chart, you will see the exact number of tickets done for that label.

Allocation by Ticket Projects

Select Ticket Projects from the Allocation dropdown.

Here, you will see all ticket projects you selected, that have work done in the selected time frame.

Here is what you will see:

  • The Project Key;
  • The Full Name of the Ticket Project;
  • The contributors that worked on that project (if you hover over the number, you will see the list of names);
  • Effort (FTE number);
  • Estimated cost (based on FTE and contributors' salaries);
  • Epics (number of epics in the Project);
  • Issues without epic;
  • Last activity (when the last activity took place).


You can filter by any of these by clicking on them.

Allocation by Epics

Select Epics from the Allocation by dropdown.

Here, you will see all the epics from the ticket projects you selected.

Here is what you will see:

  • The Key;
  • The Epic name;
  • The contributors that worked on that epic (if you hover over the number, you will see the list of names);
  • Effort (FTE number);
  • Estimated cost (based on FTE and contributors' salaries);
  • Tickets (number of tickets in the epic);
  • Last activity (when the last activity took place).


You can filter by any of these by clicking on them.


FTE, or "Full-Time Equivalent," is a unit that represents the workload of a full-time employee over a specific period. For example, if two employees each work half-time on a project for a month, their combined effort would equal one FTE for that period. This metric helps quantify the total work invested in a project or task by standardizing it against full-time capacity. FTE is calculated by summing the total workdays spent on a project within a given timeframe and dividing by the number of days in that period. When contributors split their time across multiple tasks, Waydev attributes portions of their workday to each issue and aggregates these efforts to determine the total FTE allocated to each task.