Merge Quality
Gain deeper insights into your team’s review process with our Merge Quality feature
Feature Overview
To view the data, select the time frame and the teams you'd like to analyze and click Apply.
At the top of the page, you will find four metric cards which can give you a better understanding of how your team is reviewing PRs:
- Merged PRs: Total count of PRs that have been merged, regardless of whether they were reviewed or not.
- Thoroughly Reviewed PRs %: Percentage of PRs that received comments before approval, indicating a more in-depth review process.
- Rubber Stamped PRs %: Percentage of PRs approved without comments, suggesting minimal or no discussion before merging.
- Unreviewed PRs: Percentage of PRs that were merged without receiving any review or comments.

The lower section of the page provides key insights into your team's code review dynamics through the following graphs:
- Knowledge Sharing Index or KSI which is a metric designed to assess how well your team collaborates on code reviews. It quantifies the distribution of reviews across your team members and considers factors that promote fair and active participation. A higher Sharing Index indicates a more collaborative environment.
- Rubber Stamped vs. Thoroughly Reviewed vs. Unreviewed PRs: which helps you visualize the quality and depth of code reviews in a development process. It helps assess whether pull requests receive meaningful scrutiny, are quickly approved without review, or are merged without any review at all.
PRs Overview Modal

The modal offers all the relevant information for the PRs. On the left we have a list of the PRs for the selected time-frame and teams and you can search for a specific PR by number, title and repository.
On the middle there are all the identification details for the ticket:
- Author: The contributor who created the PR.
- Repository
- Branch
- Status
- First commit at: Date when the first commit was made.
- Opened: Date it was opened.
- Closed: Date the PR was closed.
- Work level
- Cycle Time: Which includes the duration for the previous statuses of the ticket.
- Risk:
- Low Risk
- Medium Risk
- High Risk
The right side provides the associations of the ticket:
- Commits
- Reviews
- Comments
- Tickets
- Deploys
Updated about 1 month ago