Team Insights
The "Team Insights" dashboard provides a comprehensive summary of your teams' recent activities, enabling you to better understand their contributions and progress.
To see this report, navigate to Team Insights in the Health section.
Select the team you want to see insights for from the drop down in the upper-right corner of the screen or from the "All Teams" list.
By clicking "Members" your list will be ordered by the number of contributors in the team
Select any team by clicking on its name. This will take you to the team's "Team Insights" dashboard.
This includes data from the last 4 weeks.
In the snapshot section of the "Team Insights Page" you will see:
- The selected team's Cycle Time
- The selected team's Work Heatmap
- The selected team's total number of commits
- The selected team's Pull Request Activity
- The selected team's Most Active Pull Requests

Cycle Time
The Cycle Time indicates an team's development velocity. The Cycle Time is the sum of four metrics, each of these metrics corresponding to a stage in the software development process:
CODING - Time to Issue PR from First Commit. This metric corresponds to the coding time and is the time elapsed from the first commit to creating a PR.
PICKUP - Time to First Review. This metric indicates how fast reviewers pick up their peers' PRs for review and is the time between when a PR is opened and the first time an engineer reviews that PR.
REVIEW - Time to Merge from First Review. This metric signifies how fast do submitters incorporate feedback from their peers in code review and is the time from a PR's first review to that PR being merged.
DEPLOY - Time to Deploy from Merge. This metric is an indicator of how fast code gets deployed into production and is the time between when a PR is merged to when it gets released into production.
What does each color indicate?
Green: Less than 48 hours
Yellow: Between 48 and 72 hours
Red: More than 72 hours
Green: Less than 24 hours
Yellow: Between 24 and 72 hours
Red: More than 72 hours
Green: Less than 24 hours
Yellow: Between 24 and 72 hours
Red: More than 72 hours
Green: Less than 10 hours
Yellow: Between 10 and 24 hours
Red: More than 24 hours
Work Heatmap
The Work Heatmap offers more clarity on the days a team has been active based on commits, PRs, and tickets.
Each column represents a week, and you can see all activity from the past 5 weeks.
By hovering over any figure, you'll see the activity for that specific day (number of commits, Pull Requests and Tickets) (the brighter the green, the higher the work involvement.)
Commits Activity
Total commits = the total amount of commits done by the team.

The Total Commits widget includes the average of the last 8 weeks as well as a comparison with the previous 8 weeks.
Pull Request Activity
Pull Request Activity= the total amount of Pull Requests from the last 8 weeks.
What does each color indicate?
Black: Total number of Pull Requests
Blue: Total open Pull Requests
Green: Total merged Pull Requests
Red: Total closed Pull Requests
When you hover over the graph, you'll see a modal showing you more details about the week you hover over.
Most Active Pull Requests
The Most Active Pull Requests list displays a list of the top 10 most active pull requests from the last 8 weeks.
If you click on the Repository name underneath the Pull Request name, it will take you directly to that Pull Request in the git provider.
The list provides the following information:
- The status of the Pull Request (open, merged, closed);
- Repository of the Pull Request;
- The Risk of the Pull Requests;
- The work level of the Pull Request.
The workload displays all issues from the last active sprint.
If you hover over any bar in the graph you'll see a more detailed report for the contributor the bar corresponds to.
You can view only active issues by switching on the toggle from the upper-right corner of the widget.
Scrolling down, you will see a breakdown of all issues assigned to each contributor in the selected team.
In the Work-Log section you'll find the Work-Log for the team you selected.
The Work-Log displays several symbols that represent different aspects of your team's work. These symbols include:
- Code Commits
- Merge Commits
- PRs open
- PRs merged/closed
- PR Comments
- PR Reviews
- Open Issues
- Closed Issues
By hovering over the elements in the Work-log, you'll see a summary for that specific element.
When you click on any symbol in the Work-Log report, you can access detailed information about the work being done. The following information is available:
- The work focus
- The commit size
- The commit message
- The time of execution
- Pull Request reviews
- Pull Request comments
- The time to first comment
- The status of the pull request
- The commit timeline of the pull request
- The repository where the work was done
The performance tab includes an overview of the selected team's performance in a selected time frame compared to the average of all teams in your Waydev account.
The performance tab includes four categories of metrics: Coding, Submitter, Reviewer, and Delivery.
For each metric, you can see the value for the selected time frame, the evolution (%) since the previous period, the percentile bar, and an evolution graph.
Once you click on any of the metrics, you'll get a better visualization of the trend line report and what's the 50th percentile.
The percentile bar
This bar provides a perspective on the current team's relative performance against the other teams. All teams from your Waydev account, including the selected one, are taken into account for comparison (e.g. if the current team falls under the first line, this signifies that their performance is within the bottom 25% of all teams.)
- Weekly coding days - avg. number of days the team committed code in by week.
- Commits per active day - avg. number of commits per active day.
- High-risk commits - commits that are highly likely to cause problems.
- Churn - when a team re-writes their code shortly after it has been checked in less than three weeks.
- Impact - the amplitude of code changes.
Impact considers the following: What percentage of the work is edited to old code; The surface area of the change (think 'number of edit locations'); The number of files affected; The severity of changes when old code is modified; How this change compares to others from the project history.
- Traceability - the percentage of commits linked to an issue.
- Avg. time to open a PR from the first commit - the average time from the first commit to creating a Pull Request.
- Avg. PR size - the average size of a Pull Request calculated in lines of code.
- Unreviewed PRs - the percentage of Pull Requests merged without review.
- PR Failure Rate - indicates the percentage of Pull Requests that were declined or closed within a specific period of time.
- PRs reviewed - The number of Pull Requests reviewed by the selected contributor.
- Avg. time to first review from PR creation - the average time from a Pull Request's creation to it's first review.
- Avg. time to merge from PR creation - the average time from a Pull Request creation to it being merged.
- Total PRs - total number of Pull Requests done by the selected contributor.
- Cycle time - the elapsed time from the first commit made to the production release.
Updated 5 months ago