Sprints Commitment

Get a clear summary of your sprint with our Sprint Commitment Report! Track and analyze the ticket activity in your teams and identify any bottlenecks.

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Feature Overview

To view the data, select the time frame and the teams you'd like to analyze and click Apply.

At the top of the page, you will see the following metrics:

  • Active tickets: The number of tickets that are in an active state.
  • Closed tickets: The number of closed tickets.
  • Stuck tickets: The total number of active tickets that haven’t had any new git activity for the past 7 days.
  • Stalled tickets: The total number of active tickets in the same state for the past 7 days.
  • Tickets Cycle Time: The average cycle time of tickets. It also breaks down cycle times by ticket status.

Ticket Graph & Progress Table

The Ticket Graph displays the amount of tickets divided by months/weeks/days depending on the time frame selected, presented in 4 ticket types:

  • Active tickets: The number of tickets that are in an active state.
  • Total tickets: The total number of tickets created in the selected timeframe.
  • Closed tickets: The number of closed tickets.
  • Unplanned tickets: The number of tickets added to the sprint after the sprint started.

The Progress table below displays the metrics from the graph on a table view, divided by team, allowing you to zoom into the selected teams.

Insights Table

At the bottom of the page, we have the Insights table, which provides six metrics that can help teams improve predictability, reduce cycle time, and optimize efficiency in their development process:

  • Total tickets: The total number of tickets created in the selected timeframe.
  • Stuck tickets: The total number of active tickets that haven’t had any new git activity for the past 7 days.
  • Stalled tickets: The total number of active tickets in the same state for the past 7 days.
  • Unlinked tickets: The number of tickets not linked to any PR or commit.
  • Unassigned tickets: The number of tickets not assigned to any contributor.
  • Epicless tickets: The number of tickets not assigned to any epic.

Clicking on a team's name will open the Team Insights page where you have a detailed overview of their activity.

Ticket Overview Modal

The four widgets at the top of the page are clickable. Clicking on a widget (e.g., "Stuck tickets") will display all relevant tickets within the selected time frame, allowing you to drill down into each one.

The modal offers all the relevant information for the ticket. On the left we have a list of the tickets for the selected time-frame and teams and you can search for a specific project by number, title and project.

On the middle there are all the identification details for the ticket:

  • Assignee: The contributor who got assigned the ticket.
  • Pm Project: Title of the project.
  • Type: Ticket type.
  • Priority
  • Boards: Name of the ticket's board.
  • Status: Ticket status.
  • Opened: Date the ticket was opened.
  • Last status changed: When the ticket entered its current status.
  • Cycle Time: Which includes the duration for the previous statuses of the ticket.
  • Risk:
    1. Low Risk
    2. Medium Risk
    3. High Risk

The right side provides the associations of the ticket:

  • Pull Requests: with their status.
  • Commits
  • Sprints
  • Comments


  • Total tickets: The total number of tickets created in the selected timeframe.
  • To do tickets: The number of tickets has not started yet.
  • Active tickets: The number of tickets that are in an active state.
  • Closed tickets: The number of closed tickets.
  • Unassigned tickets: The number of tickets that are not assigned to any contributor.
  • Unplanned tickets: The number of tickets that were added to the sprint after the sprint started.
  • Epicless tickets: The number of tickets that are not assigned to any epic.
  • Unestimated tickets: The number of tickets that are missing a story points estimate.
  • Unlinked tickets: The number of tickets that are not linked to any PR or commit.
  • Stalled tickets: The total number of active tickets that are in the same state for the past 7 days.
  • Stuck tickets: The total number of active tickets that don’t have any new git activity for the past 7 days.
  • Total subtasks: The total number of subtasks created in the selected timeframe.
  • Total points: The total number of story points of the tickets that were created in the selected timeframe.
  • Points per tickets: The average number of story points per ticket.