Average time to issue PR(sec)

Measures the average amount of time it takes for a developer to issue a pull request after starting work on a code change or feature.

How to Use It?

  • Streamline Commit to Pull Request Process: Motivate contributors to refine their workflows from initial coding to Pull Request issuance, aiming for enhanced efficiency in the development process.

  • Identify Delays: Use this metric to detect where delays occur between the initial coding and Pull Request creation, facilitating targeted improvements in the development workflow.

  • Set Performance Benchmarks: Establish precise benchmarks for the time to issue a Pull Request following the first commit, setting clear targets for contributors to strive towards or surpass.

  • Enhance ContributorTraining: Offer training and resources to aid contributors in understanding and mastering efficient management of their coding tasks from inception to Pull Request, with a potential focus on skills like branch management and commit practices.

  • Optimize Collaboration: Ensure that all contributors have access to the necessary tools and collaborative support to minimize delays between starting work and issuing a Pull Request to request feedback.

Strategic Implementation of Average Time to Issue Pull Request Metric

  • Workflow Optimization: Implement practices that streamline the transition from coding to Pull Request issuance, such as pre-defined checklists or integration of automated tools that assist in preparing Pull Requests.

  • Performance Tracking: Regularly monitor and track performance against the established benchmarks, identifying top performers and areas needing improvement.

  • Feedback and Adjustment: Incorporate feedback mechanisms that allow contributors to report hurdles in the Pull Request process, using this input to refine and accelerate workflows.

  • Collaborative Tools Enhancement: Invest in and improve tools that facilitate seamless collaboration and communication among team members, thereby speeding up the Pull Request issuance process.

Considerations for Implementation

  • Balanced Metrics Focus: Employ the Average Time to Issue Pull Request metric alongside other performance and quality metrics to ensure a comprehensive view of contributor efficiency without sacrificing code quality for speed.

  • Cultural Adaptation: Tailor the implementation of this metric to align with team dynamics and culture, fostering an environment that supports efficient yet thorough development practices.

  • Continuous Learning and Adaptation: Regularly adapt the use of this metric based on evolving project requirements and contributor feedback, ensuring its ongoing relevance and effectiveness in promoting timely Pull Request issuance.

  • Enhanced Monitoring: Maintain vigilant monitoring of how changes in this metric impact the overall project timelines and quality, adjusting strategies as needed to balance speed and thoroughness.