Configure Project Costs

Configure your contributor salaries ensure you have accurate and real-time data regarding your engineering costs.

Setting Up Project Costs

To have an accurate view of the Project Costs reports, you must make sure you set up default/individual salaries for your contributors, and ticket project issue type categories are configured and mapped. See also Configuring Ticket Projects

Setting up salaries/working hours for team members

Remember that in Waydev, the default salary for engineers is $150.000. You can change this from the Teams Management page in the setup section.

Change salary and working hours individually

In the Teams Management page, on the contributors view, click the settings button of the contributor you want to modify the salary/working hours for.

In the Edit modal, modify the salary (per year) and working hours (per day) and click "Update"

Import Salaries

On the Teams Management page, click the $Import Salaries button.

Make sure you respect all requirements to make sure we provide accurate data:

This will search for the Contributors that have the same email address / full name as in the CSV file, and it will save their salaries.

  • The CSV file must have the columns named "email" (the email of the Contributor must be assigned to a Contributor in Waydev, not required if name is used, but recommended), "salary" (the salary of the Contributor, as a number without any special characters) and "name" (the full name of the Contributor, must be an exact match of that available in Waydev, not required if email is used, but not recommended) to make sure it detects everything properly.
  • Before starting this, please make sure you've done all the merges.
  • This has no effect on the structure of teams or other details of the Contributors other than Salaries. Please use the specific Import Structure from the same menu for that functionality.

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