Custom Metrics

Custom Metrics enable engineering leaders to tailor their metrics according to their unique needs. With Custom Metrics, you can now leverage your own variables and formulas to track a wider range of data points beyond what Waydev's default metrics offer.

Configuring Event Types

Before starting to customize your metrics, configure "Events Types." To do so, navigate to "Settings," and scroll down to the "Event Types" section and click "Configure."

Once the "Event Types Configuration" modal appears, you can configure custom event types that you can send to Waydev via the API. Choose the Event Types and an event name.

Once you add your event type, click the "Plus" button.

When you are done configuring the event types, click "Submit Changes."

Creating Custom Metrics

To create your own Custom Metrics, navigate to "Setup" -> "Custom Metrics"

The first step of creating a custom metric consists in:

  • Naming your metric (should be a unique name - must be different from other Waydev metrics),
  • Choosing a unit (Time, Percentage, Commits, Comments, Days, Lines of Code, Pull Requests, Reviews) - this will influence the way your value will be displayed
  • If that metric should rise (increase) or fall (decrease).


Should the percentage rise or fall?

When the percentage should rise, that means it positively influences your team for the metric to increase in value.
When the percentage should fall, it positively influences your team for the metric to decrease in value.
Example: When Churn decreases, it positively affects your team's performance, so it should fall. When Efficiency increases, it positively affects your team, so it should rise

When done, click "Next Step."

Now, it's time to define your variables. Start by selecting a metric category (Code, Pull Requests, CI/CD, or Event) to do this.


The Event Category

The Event category consists of the event types you configured.

After selecting the category, all metrics from that category will be displayed on the right side of the modal - the Custom Events you configured in the setting section and all of the default Waydev metrics.


Selecting a custom event is not mandatory in creating your metric and you can use only default Waydev metrics.

When selecting an event from the metric list, you need to apply a function:
FIRST - The first event from the time frame you selected
COUNT - Counts the number of events of that type
SUM - Sums up the duration (ex: total build time, total coding time)
MIN - The smallest value of the events from the selected time frame
MAX - The biggest value of the events from the selected time frame
LAST - The last event from the selected time frame (the most recent one)
NONE - The first event from the time frame you selected


If you don't have any events in the selected time frame, the value will be 0


The default Waydev metrics don't need applied functions


You can only select up to 7 variables in defining your custom metric

In the next step, you'll create the formula.
Each variable you selected in the previous step has a symbol that you will use to create your formula.

You can use the following operations in your formula:

  • "+" plus
  • "-" minus
  • "*" multiply
  • "/" divide
  • "^" raise


You can add numbers in your formula

Ex: a*2


It is not mandatory to use all variables you defined in the previous step in creating your formula


Test Value

To test your formula, you can add "Test Values" to your variables

The next step is selecting the Preview Type, Preview Period (Timeframe), Preview Teams and Preview Developers. When done, click "Create Metric."

See your Custom Metrics

To see your Custom Metrics, you need to add them to a Dashboard.

  • To add metric cards for each metric you created, select "Customize", in the Dashboards section from the side bar menu.
  • Create a new dashboard by clicking “New Dashboard” or edit an existing dashboard by clicking the "Edit Dashboard" button from the one you want to edit.

  • Click "Add Widget" and select "Blank Widget."

  • Select "Metric Card" or "Metric Number."


"Metric Card" and "Metric Number" are the only widgets custom metrics can be displayed in.

  • After selecting the widget, click "Custom Metrics" in the "Selected Metrics" dropdown and choose the custom metric you want to see in your dashboard.

  • After you configure your widget, click "Save", and the widget will appear in the Dashboard.