Average PR Iteration Time

The difference in time between the timestamp of the final commit on the pull request and the timestamp of the first non-excluded, non-submitter comment. If a pull request has no follow-on commits after a non-submitter comment, the PR iteration time for the pull request is 0. The PR iteration time for an individual, team, or organization is calculated as the sum of the PR iteration times for all pull requests created by them, divided by the total number of pull requests, rounded to the nearest tenth of an hour.

How to Use Pull Request Iteration Time

  • Process Optimization: Use this metric to refine the code review process. Identify if certain stages or practices lead to increased iteration times and adjust accordingly to streamline the workflow.
  • Feedback Efficiency: Monitoring Pull Request iteration times allows teams to gauge the effectiveness of their feedback mechanisms. Shorter iteration times often indicate a more efficient review process, leading to faster improvements and updates.
  • Contributor Coaching: Use data from prolonged iteration times to coach contributors on best practices for implementing review feedback swiftly and effectively. This coaching can help in writing more precise and complete code initially.

Strategic Use of Pull Request Iteration Time

  • Enhance Code Review Processes: Regular analysis of Pull Request Iteration Times highlights delays or inefficiencies within the code review cycle. Insights gained can drive enhancements in review practices, ensuring that feedback is addressed more swiftly and effectively.
  • Targeted Contributor Training: By observing patterns where iteration times are prolonged, specific training programs can be developed. These programs aim to enhance contributors' skills in addressing feedback efficiently, thereby improving their overall responsiveness and coding quality.
  • Optimize Collaboration Tools: Evaluate and enhance the tools used for code reviews and collaboration. Ensuring these tools facilitate quick feedback and seamless communication can significantly reduce iteration times, enhancing overall project momentum.

Considerations for Implementation

  • Benchmarking: Establish benchmarks for acceptable Pull Request iteration times based on historical data and industry standards. This helps set realistic expectations and goals for improvement.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Implement this metric with consideration for team dynamics and culture to ensure it encourages positive development practices without fostering a counterproductive environment.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly revisit and adjust the use of the Pull Request Iteration Time metric based on team feedback and changes in development practices. This ongoing adaptation helps maintain its relevance and effectiveness in improving the code review process.